Pickleball Peace?

Professional pickleball is in absolute disarray. From the PPA offering out massive short term contracts to the MLP offering long term stable health care benefits! Each individual pro is being maliciously ripped from one side to the other. Okay, let me backup just a little bit. I understand some of you do not even know what pickleball is; let alone the fact that there are multiple professional organizations for it. Which is a total shame, because it is only the fastest growing sport in america! It’s enjoyable for anyone to play; 5 years old, 85 years old, retired professional football player, or recreational nap taker. It doesn't matter who you are, it is fun for everyone! I can also make a pretty strong argument for why it’s one of the most enjoyable to watch as well. But I won’t bore you with those details. 

If you’re still lost let me first explain what the sport actually is. Pickleball is a racket sport that is played using a wiffle ball and a pickleball paddle that is somewhat of a mix between a ping pong paddle and a tennis racket. Pickleball is similar to both those sports -Ping Pong and Tennis- in that the objective of the game is to hit a ball across the court, over a net, towards your opponent and hit it so well that they can't hit it back.  Though you might just now be hearing about this sport it has been around for approximately fifty to sixty years; and yes there are multiple professional organizations vying for the top spot right now.

In recent years there have been two organizations that have risen to the top of the pickleball sphere gaining many notable brand deals and millions of dollars in investment funds. The PPA (Pro Pickleball Association) and the MLP (Major League Pickleball). Both have different visions of how to move the sport forward and make it mainstream like Basketball or football. For a fan like myself it has been fun to watch these two pickleball juggernauts dual it out by introducing the next “brand new never before seen” thing over and over again. But last week while all the top Professional athletes in the world were in Kansas City for a PPA tournament, the Major League Pickleball executives dropped an atomic bomb of an announcement on the pickleball world. 

They were signing as many Pros in the space as possible to exclusive contracts that were higher paying than ever before and promised great benefits that also had never been offered in pickleball. On top of this they were poaching players that were previously PPA contracted players, stealing away many of the best athletes right under the PPA’s noses. They had completely blind sided the PPA. Now in a frenzy, it was time for the PPA to respond, and they did. They immediately started offering absurd cash contracts -funded by their billionaire owner- that were double what the MLP was offering. 

Now here’s the whole point of this. The players were now faced with a massive decision that might change the course of their life. I’ve listened to several podcasts from pros that were present while all these decisions were being made and all of them describe it as complete chaos. Everyone was non-discreetly in a corner on the phone talking to both organizations, their managers, and other pros. Trying to make a wise decision on which organization to go with definitely was no easy task. The players were faced with questions like, what if one organization doesn't get as much traction as the other and goes belly up? What if signing with one organization completely ruins relationships with everyone in the other. Then a multitude of other unknowns that no one can predict. All while trying to focus on playing in a tournament, that depending on the outcome, could directly affect their current livelihood. 

Though none of us are professional pickleball players we can all relate to the feeling of being torn in a thousand different directions. Activities, sports, homework, investments, entertainment. Trying to make wise decisions for our family. Serving at church in multiple capacities. Maintaining a good devotion time. Trying to take care of our mental health. Sabbath, what even is a sabbath??? Life can be overwhelming at times. Honestly it can feel overwhelming a majority of the time. But I want to give you the subtle reminder, though those things can cause chaos at times, God is always willing and ready to give you peace in abundance. John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Though it might be a simple reminder and one you have heard many times before, maybe it’s exactly what you needed today to get through to tomorrow. Take courage brothers and sisters because he has overcome this world and all of the stressful overwhelming situations we are in! 

Love you Grace, thank you for accepting me as one of your own. Oh and here’s a link to some sweet pickleball points if you want to indulge! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRRy0kpiP0s

Bryant Hart