Adult Education

Young Adults Class

9:00 – 10:15am | Fireside Room
Attention young adults: with more and more single young adults coming to Grace, we are starting a Sunday School class just for you to connect with other young adults and be equipped with God's truth in order to be the Church in Newton and beyond. If you are college age up to your early thirties (if you consider yourself a young adult) we would love for you to join us! Any questions please contact Kyle:

Men’s Sunday School

Adult Sunday school classes are an opportunity to find connection and grow in relationship with other adults, while learning and growing spiritually together. Our Fall ministries will begin on August 20th.

Women’s Bible Studies

Do you have a desire to experience genuine community? Our desire is to encourage women toward personal and spiritual maturity through the teaching and counsel from God’s Word. A small group setting provides opportunities to engage in a deep and personal way.

Grace Thru Faith an Elder Lead Sunday School Class

A purposeful walkthrough and Q&A of Grace's Statement of Faith. GCC's Statement of Faith provides us with Biblical stability on the essentials of our faith. This class is intended for those who want to understand more about what we believe and why.

Join us 9:00-10:15am | Room A105