Recovering from Anything Except Denial

What Celebrate Recovery is…

Celebrate Recovery is a small group ministry focused on helping people overcome past hurts, any hang-ups they might be experiencing in life, or any habits they might want to overcome. Please consider volunteering or learning more about Celebrate Recovery to see if it might be for you. You can reach out to Pastor Will with any questions. We meet Monday nights at 6:30pm.

Celebrate Recovery operates on a strict confidentiality that protects anything said in the group. It operates both as a men’s group and women’s group as they split up on Monday evenings. There is also a study group that works through 12 steps of healing if a participant is interested in taking part in that.

Just like you would never do surgery on yourself - the wounds we experience in life, or the coping we learn to do as a result of those wounds, cannot be healed on our own. We need good Christian support and community to overcome anything significant in our lives. We all, each one of us, has brokenness in our lives and Celebrate Recovery, as a Christ centered scripture filled ministry, can be a great tool to heal from any hurt, habit, or hangup. 

What it isn’t…

It is not a scary place where you have to divulge all your darkest secrets. It is a judgement free zone for people who want to help each other. True Christian brotherhood or sisterhood under Biblical principles with lots of joy is closer to the truth. Shame is a great tool that the enemy uses to keep us isolated in bad cycles. CR can help break those cycles.

Why is denial the worst…

Denial, or denying that you have anything to work on, is the one thing CR cannot help with. But if you love good Christian community where people go deep with one another almost instantly, then this is the place for you. If you think you might like that but aren’t sure, then CR is still the place for you. Nobody is coerced to share anything. You can just come and listen to what God is doing in other people’s lives.

How to be a part of CR…

Just come Monday night at 6:30 pm to the Activity Center. We are working with First Presbyterian, First Missionary, First Baptist, and Newton Christian Church but it meets at the Grace building. We also always have needs for childcare, or bringing snacks, if a support role would be something you would want to volunteer for. Reach out to me and I would be happy to get you connected.

Pastor Will