Struggling in Secret

“Wow...I’ve never heard that before.” This has been a common thought uttered in the recesses of my mind as I read popular resources on sexuality and gender. Hearing from “both sides” of the issue has stretched and deepened my understanding of our current sexual revolution. Studying Scripture at the same time has deepened my understanding of the truth.

  One of my favorite resources has been Christopher Yuan’s Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story. (Other great resources are listed on our Resource page)

  However, something he shared bothered me, and it hasn’t stopped bothering me. While working on his doctorate, Yuan interviewed 80 Christians who were struggling with same-sex attraction. In each interview he asked about their experiences in the Christian community. This was what he had to say about their answers, which he later commented were the norm:

One answered, “I was terrified that I would be judged and ostracized for something I didn’t want and something that wasn’t in my control.” Another said, “I didn’t feel like I would be understood...I thought that I would at least be rejected by peers and maybe even made fun of.” Yet another gave this reason for his silence: “I was terrified to tell close friends for this reason: I couldn’t bear to lose some of the most meaningful friendships in my life.” (pp. 163-164)

  It seems evident that Christians who struggle with same-sex attraction are more likely to look for help outside of the Church for avoidable reasons.

  In the same section referenced above, Yuan writes, “We evangelicals feel free to open up about a multitude of difficulties—pornography addictions, eating disorders, alcoholism, sex abuse, and so on. But many feel that same-sex attraction is the one thing they cannot share with another Christian.”

  This should not be. My hope is that with a clear understanding of the Scripture, we can follow Jesus in the way He interacted with and pursued sinners, and we can edify and encourage other believers in their walk with Christ.

I’m looking forward to Sunday’s Q&A time. I hope the manner in which we share opens the door for meaningful discussion and deeper relationships.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jack