Backyard Mission Field

So far this week, we have reached more than 100 kids that don’t attend Grace or possibly any other church. How exciting is that?!?! We have given out Bibles, shared the Gospel, taught kids the Truth, and formed new relationships with our neighbors.

The numbers are still coming in, but we have about 240 kids attending our 10 Summer Quest sites. And this is all because 125+ volunteers decided to give up their week to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their own backyards.

We are hearing from volunteers how these young people are hungry for connection and care. I keep hearing moving stories of unchurched kids not wanting this week to end.

Well, it doesn’t have to. 

We have a great mission field right here in our community of children and students that do not know God’s love personally.

Why can’t we find creative ways to continue reaching our neighbors for Christ? Why can’t we continue praying for a particular neighborhood, getting our own kids in the battle, and making the effort to share God’s love with them?

This week has been a joyful reflection of 2 Corinthians 5:20 (CSB) 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.” 

Grace, thank you for “being the Church.” I look forward to Summer Fest this Sunday afternoon. May it be a time of rejoicing and fellowship for our church family.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jack