Broken Radio Prayers

About 3 months ago, the radio in my car started having issues. Sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn’t.

Mary literally hit the dashboard one time and got it to work!

Well, it got worse, and I haven’t actually been able to listen to it for about 2 months now. 

How can the worship pastor survive without his radio, you ask? Doesn’t he listen to worship music non-stop?

Yes, I do enjoy music. But I also enjoy listening to people like Ravi Zacharias and Alistair Begg on Bott radio. And yes, I pretty much never shut off the radio in the car.

But not being able to listen to the radio or a CD has actually been a really good thing! God stirred in my spirit to use this new time in the car to pray.

I find myself praying for specific people in our local church as I’m on my way to and from work. I find myself praying for open doors to share my faith or to point people to Jesus on my way to Dillon’s or Walmart. I find myself praying for wisdom and the Holy Spirit to speak through me when I’m on my way to meet with someone for lunch or coffee.

I’ve seen God really work through the time of prayer in my car and have been overwhelmed by how God has responded a few of those times.

On my way out to the men’s cookout I prayed that God would give me opportunities to minister to and pray for people. I prayed for divine appointment. Well, God certainly answered that prayer—there were 3 specific divine appointments that I was so thankful to be part of!

So, I want to invite you to join me.

I want to challenge you to shut off your radio and pray when you are driving. Yes, I’m a little jealous that your radio works and mine doesn’t, so it’s easy for me to tell you to turn it off and pray… but I believe you’ll see God work in powerful ways. Try it a few times, and just watch and be ready for what He does!

Here’s my RightNow Media pick. We’ve watched a few of these episodes about archeology and found it quite interesting! There’s even some good humor to help keep everyone engaged. 


I’m looking forward to being with you on Sunday—whether online, in the Worship Center, or in the Fireside Room! I’m seeing great things happening and I’m believing God has more in store!

I love you, Church!

- Pastor Kyle