Practicing Trust

I was a little taken aback when he asked, but I was glad that he did.

When I said that I am “trusting God with all of this,” he was quick to reply, “what does that even mean?!”

You know that feeling of, “So what! How does that help me now?!” That’s the vibe he was giving.

Friends that won’t take simple answers and pose deeper questions are both a blessing and a pest. I know, because I am one of those people. When those outside of the church ask me surprising questions, it is often a vulnerable exposure of the heart. They’re almost always connected to doubt or pain.

I think we all want to hear the truth in practical terms. When friends are hurting, they’re not interested in the lofty musings of a philosopher. They want something to apply to their current situation that sounds like it came from a wise farmer, not a grandiloquent professor (amirite?).

My friend wanted to know how I was dealing with all of the change and tension in my life, probably because he wanted to know how to handle his own.

Times are difficult right now. Many things have changed on a global scale in just a mere two months. Not only that, but my place of worship and work have become unfamiliar and uniquely challenging. Every time we make a decision, it changes before the week is over. New information or events have caused additional work, extra meetings, and added stress.

So, after silently praying in my mind, I told him how I have been trusting God in the fewest amount of words I could.

“Well, first, I have told God everything that is going on in my life. Every worry, every concern, every joy, every desire; I have shared everything I can with Him. I even opened up about my current regrets... bad things I’ve been thinking and feeling and, sadly, doing. I have confessed and spoken about it all with Him.

Second, I continue to believe that He actually cares. The Bible says to cast all your worries and concern on Jesus because He cares for you. I have faith in the Bible, so I believe that Jesus genuinely cares about what is happening in my life. I know He loves me, and I remind myself of that every day.

Third, I expect that He is going to do something about it. I believe He responds to all of my prayers. He doesn’t always do what I ask (thank God!), but He hears every word and has the power to change hearts and situations, including mine.

That is how I trust God. I share all that is going on, believe that He cares, and know that He will intervene and work it all out for the good.”

After I was done he simply said, “Oh... okay.”

Because our friendship is strong, I assumed that he wasn’t unaffected or uninterested. Maybe he just had to chew on it for a while. Either way, I was glad he asked, because once we finished talking I looked upward and whispered, “Thanks for reminding me how to trust You.”

I have been practicing trust a lot lately. Some of the process feels like exercise... I know the next move, and I choose to do it. But my heart hasn’t been left behind. As I practice trust, I develop more trust. And I don’t know of anything I need more than trust right now. 

I love you Grace family, and I am praying that God continues to guard your hearts as you trust Him with your lives. I will see you (well, you’ll see me) this Sunday as we continue learning about how Jesus lived as a human being.

Pastor Jack