Grieving with Hope

Have you ever logged onto social media and found yourself overwhelmed or broken-hearted by the news you read? This happened to me this week. Let me explain some of the context and background story. 

For almost as many years as I have been taking students to middle school LifeChange Camp and leading worship, Daniel Yoder has been our speaker and teacher. It is always amazing how quickly you can form a deep and lasting friendship bond with those you spend a week with at camp. This rings true for Daniel and I; we look forward to seeing and ministering together each summer. In many ways, for me, it feels like a family reunion, seeing relatives that live some distance away once a year. 

Before Daniel’s kids were old enough to be campers, his wife would bring them over during the week to spend some time with their dad. I got to know Daniel’s oldest son Malachi this way at first, and then as a camper.

A couple years ago, Malachi was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Yet, despite the seemingly tragic news, Daniel and Malachi came to camp last summer and openly shared how God was encouraging them, strengthening them, and giving them a living hope.

As the week of camp came to a close we prayed for Malachi to receive a miracle and rather than speak death, we spoke words of life. The testimony of God's presence and comfort and Malachi’s desire to trust Jesus in the fight for his life was simply inspiring and faith-building for so many, myself included. 

Fast forward to this week.

My heart sank when on Monday, March 2nd I saw a Facebook post that said Malachi went to be with Jesus. Daniel posted that Malachi got his miracle, that he had fought the good fight, and now is receiving his reward. Daniel also wrote that because Malachi knew Jesus it was a win win for Malachi.

What a testimony.

I have to say, what happens at a week of LifeChange Camp is so significant in our students’ lives. Relationships are formed that shape our students and impact their walk with Christ.

I know so many of our Igniter students, current and graduated, are deeply feeling the loss of Malachi. Would you join me in praying for the Yoder family and also for our Igniter students? Even though it’s sad, I’m glad we can grieve with hope because of Malachi’s faith in Christ. 

It was a timely and preparatory word this past Sunday as Nathan shared about God’s enduring steadfast love. God has used our “homework” assignment for this week to help me process the sadness and heart-ache I have over Malachi’s home going: 

God is near the broken-hearted,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

God saves the crushed in spirit,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

God is the Father of all mercies,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

He is the God of all comfort,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

He comforts us in our affliction,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

We can put our hope in him,

for his steadfast love endures forever.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Loren