This Is Jesus

Rejoice He is with us!  Rejoice Hope is here!

These are lyrics from a new Christmas song called “This Is Jesus” that we introduced this past Sunday. It’s sung to the tune of “Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing,” but with Christmas lyrics.  

This is Jesus King of Glory, come to rescue from the fall.
Son of God who comes to save us, Prince of Peace and Lord of All.

Jesus left His holy throne for us. He humbled Himself and took on flesh. He came to rescue us, that we might be called His own. He brought light to our darkness and hope when we were hopeless!

What a beautiful mystery, that the God of creation would become man to save sinners like us. Who could fathom it?  

This Christmas season we rejoice because God is with us! We rejoice because Hope came to humanity some 2000 years ago!

Even in the Christmas season, our hearts are prone to wander and get caught up in the things of this world. But God is here, and His love continues to pursue us!

I pray this song will encourage you this Christmas season with its truth. May our hearts be filled with wander at the birth of our Savior! May our worship through song be pleasing to Jesus, our King of Glory!

I’m looking forward to singing with you this Sunday, and excited to continue in our “Dressed for the Season” sermon series.

For His Glory,
Pastor Kyle


My RightNow Media pick is an Advent series from J.D. Greear: