Unexpected Friendship

I texted one of my neighbors at 6am: “It’s Monday...does that mean I’m headed to the gym alone?” He shot back, “Not today.”

At first, I took that as, “I’m not going today.” But before I backed out of my driveway, he opened my passenger door and jumped in the seat. I was startled, but glad.

We have been hitting the gym 3–4 times each week in the mornings, and it has been good for my health. I can tell that I have more energy and feel better throughout the day.

But that’s surprisingly not the best part. I find myself most looking forward to spending time with my neighbor.

What’s shocking is, he doesn’t go to church. Anywhere. 

He’s just a regular guy with kids and a job… and a pastor as a neighbor. 

Now, my family and I have been praying for years that God would help us be good neighbors and witnesses. We have faithfully prayed for our neighbors by name. We have welcomed them into our home, enjoyed food together, and we’ve invited them to church services and Awana.

But I would never have guessed that God would open the door for a mutual friendship.

To my shock and surprise, my don’t-go-to-church buddy has encouraged me in my walk as a pastor. He has passionately challenged me about my “path” as a Christian man, husband, and father. And he has motivated me to continue exercising. 

Clearly, God has been speaking to his own heart. Gratefully, God has brought me to his neighborhood.

What began as a simple prayer and church sending, has turned into an unexpected friendship and opportunity for an everlasting relationship.

Would you pray for me, that God would overcome my weaknesses and inabilities and open the door for the Word? Would you pray that I would grow in my walk as a friend and neighbor?

This has been a great blessing in my life, and I believe there is more to come.

This Sunday we'll think about the disaster that occurred when Jesus tried to convert His hometown. Why did His attempt “fail”? What made them so angry?

Guess you’ll have to gather with us to find out... see you then!

Galatians 6:9,
Pastor Jack