Tell the Coming Generation

“So, I know bits and pieces of your story, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard your actual testimony.”

Over Christmas break one of the highlights was having my parents share their testimonies with Anne and me. It was so significant to hear how their stories were more about HIS story. We interacted over their testimonies for close to two hours as they shared how God, in his grace and mercy, has been at work in their lives. 

It was revealing. My parents’ testimonies have themes of God bringing them through tragedy and trauma, yet the love and care of Christ their Savior is what kept them going, as well as so many people of faith who helped them through times of trouble and trial. Both my parents were saved young, but God has been taking them back to earlier days and helping them to process and heal from wounds they have carried for a long time.

It was truly a gift. Our time together added a depth of understanding to my own story, and will influence how I share my own testimony in the future. The Church played such a key role in our family’s life. There were times growing up when I loved going, and times I didn’t. The times I didn’t like going were when I didn’t understand the importance of belonging to a body where the life of Christ was taught and experienced. Jesus and the Church played such a comforting, strengthening, and burden-carrying role in my parents’ lives and they wanted that for our family. 

It is something I want to do. It would be wonderful if parents and grandparents got in the habit of sharing their testimonies with their kids and grandkids. It is easy for kids who grow up in the church to not really understand why their parents are so attached to the church or to the Bible or to Jesus. Faith can become religion fairly quickly as church becomes a routine, another thing to do, something to endure, or even something to skip. Ever since my parents shared, Anne and I have been discussing how we can do something similar with each of our kids. (And, if you happen to be an Igniter Parent, you are about to get an opportunity to put that testimony challenge to use! Igniter is hosting a Parent Night on Saturday, January 18 from 6:30-8 p.m. All Igniter parents and students are invited and encouraged to attend. The main focus will be having parents share their testimonies with their students. [There will also be games and food :)]

Our hope is that you can come to the meeting but even if you can’t, I hope you will take the challenge to write out your testimony without using churchy words and share it with your kids. It is such a wonderful opportunity.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Loren

P.S. If you have a minute or two go read Psalm 78. It is a psalm highlighting the importance of one generation telling the next generation about who God is and what he has done. It sheds light on the importance of parents and grandparents sharing their faith with their children and grandchildren. You’ll never know how God will use your testimony to impact the life of another, even generations later.