Find It

Where’s your safe space? You know, the place you feel the most comfortable to completely be yourself and do whatever it is that you love the most. The place you sometimes do the embarrassing things you would never do around anyone other than MAYBE your spouse. My safe space is my car and I know for some of you it is your car too. I know this because I have definitely pulled up next to some of your cars at a stoplight and have caught you digging for gold if you know what I mean. Hey, no judgment here. Sometimes you got to do what you’ve got to do. But my car is my safe space where I practice my stand up comedy career that will never happen or to scream a song at the top of my lungs without a worry in the world of hitting all the wrong notes solely because no one is around. It’s just me! It is also, at times, the place that I have the most raw conversations with God, and the deepest moments of worship.

I absolutely love the moments that it is just me and God driving down I-135 southbound to Wichita, with a song full of truth on the stereo that I can belt out at the top of my lungs. If you have never done this I would highly encourage you to. If that feels too weird to you I totally get it. What is it that you offer to God in your safe space? Anyways, I just wanted to share a worship song that has been blessing me, is full of truth, and I have loved singing to God recently.

The song is called Altar by Joe L. Barnes. My favorite part is honestly in the bridge and it goes like this.

You don’t need four walls You don’t need an altar call

You’ll meet me right wherever I am (I know you will)

From a table in my house down to a stack of stones

You’ll meet me right wherever I am 

And though my feet may fail when things aren't going well 

You’ll meet me right wherever I am

And if I go astray I know you’ll find a way

To meet me right wherever I am

Singing this is a declaration of the Power of God. That no matter the situation I know my God is powerful enough and loving enough to show up. It’s a declaration that I know I have a God that is present with me wherever I go and wants a deep relationship with me. But that is right now when I feel like things are going well in life. 

This song is also an amazing prayer that I can sing in the moments that I feel so far from God. When I wonder if he is ever going to show up and when I even doubt his existence. One of my worship leader buddies shared a quote with me that I'm sure was a quote from somebody else, but it goes like this. “Sometimes we sing the words because we believe them. Other times we sing the words UNTIL we believe them.” That was simple but profound to me. The words in this song are true, but that doesnt mean I always believe them. It doesn't mean that I always want to sing them at the top of my lungs. But sometimes I need to sing them until the Spirit has time to penetrate my hardened heart. 

Where is your safe space? Find it. Maybe you need to “sing it until you believe it” this week. 

Peace and Blessings Grace,

Bryant Hart