Having Dominion and Gentleness

Ever since I was a little kid I loved dogs. The whole world could be against you, your siblings could not be speaking to you, and your parents could be upset with you. But your dog would still be wagging its tail, jumping up and down just waiting for you to walk through the door.

Beasts of burden help us in our labor, and smaller pets bring a unique joy and dare I say “friendship” to our lives.

But the gaiety of animal affection is more than just a Hallmark sentiment. God intends for us to have a sense of respect and responsibility for animals that He created: Proverbs 12:10 (CSB) 10 The righteous cares about his animal’s health, but even the merciful acts of the wicked are cruel.

You can tell a lot about a person who shows no mercy or tenderness, even when it comes to animals.

Of course this doesn’t mean that we elevate animals to the same status or value as mankind. Genesis 1–2 clears up that distinction for us. God has given us permission to enjoy feasting on juicy, tender meat (see Peter’s animal quilt, Acts 10:9–16).

However, it is part of God’s design and desire that we demonstrate “care” for animals. They are one of His gifts to us.

So, be an omnivore and keep rodents out of your home. You have dominion. But don’t be wicked or cruel. God set humans over the earth to oversee and care for His creation, not abuse or neglect it.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jack

P.S. I am not in the market to get a dog...I already have a “handful” of God’s creation to take care of, and that’s all I can manage at the moment. ;-)