Responding to Evil

I had never heard of Uvalde, Texas before the horrific tragedy this week. The town has a population of about 16,000, not much smaller than Newton. The national headline news sent a chilling shock through the spine of our country, even though this act of evil is nothing new.

So how are we to respond? How are Christians supposed to react to evil that brings death and loss?

Well, our first reaction is likely grief. I have 5 young children, and I can’t even begin to imagine what those families are going through. The mourning for these precious children are surely felt throughout our nation. As those who have been comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1:3–4), we are reminded by the Apostle Paul to “mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15). Let us be a compassionate people that mourns the senseless loss of nearly two dozen lives.

Another response should be prayer (Ephesians 6:18). We are commanded by God to pray against the evil schemes of the devil, and the immoral behavior that follows in his steps. We should pray for God’s peace and comfort for those who are grieving, asking God to intervene and draw people to Himself. We should also pray for wisdom on how a society must face these evils.

And we must remember Jesus’ mission for the Church. Murder and evil have been around since the very beginning. This is nothing new to the human experience. Jesus told us it would get worse, and His response was the Church. We are called to be the light and the salt of the earth. We are called to make followers of Jesus.

I know that many of you are brokenhearted at this heinous act. I am. But I rest in Jesus’ promise for a better future for those that trust in Him:

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4, CSB)

I love you all and look forward to praying and worshiping together on Sunday.

- Pastor Jack