"Love like I love"

Today is Maundy Thursday. But what is Maundy Thursday, anyway?

I'll be honest… having grown up in church, it's probably something I should have known and understood. But, somehow, I just haven't really thought much about it until now.

I'm reading through a lent devotional plan on my PrayerMate app called “Love to the Uttermost” by John Piper. As I read this morning's devotional I was challenged by what I read about Maundy Thursday.

“Maundy” comes from the Latin word meaning "commandment". Maundy Thursday commemorates the command Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper, just before he was crucified:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34)

Jesus commanded his disciples to love others the way he loved them. He soon demonstrated for them just what that love was to look like—service and self-sacrifice. He washed their feet in an act of servant leadership and later suffered and died on a cross in the ultimate act of love.

I really loved what Piper shared next. He connected this command with what Jesus identified as the second greatest commandment after loving God: "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39).

What does that really look like—loving others like Jesus did and loving others like yourself?

Piper points out that when Jesus commands his disciples to "love like I love," it's like he's saying:

"Here is what I mean by ‘as yourself.’ Watch me. I mean: Just as you would want someone to set you free from certain death, so you should set them free from certain death. That is how I am now loving you. My suffering and death is what I mean by ‘as yourself.’ You want life. Live to give others life. At any cost."

What challenged me wasn't a new idea, but a reiteration that my life, as a follower of Christ, should be marked by this kind of love. Jesus commanded me to own this mission personally, and to desire and work toward helping others find life in him.

What does that look like for me right now?

How can I live to give others life?

It means sacrificing as needed to share and live out the gospel in my family. It means seeing others (neighbors, acquaintances) through glasses of grace, showing them love, and moving past my fears and insecurities to share life-saving truth with them.

I'm grateful for this reminder (more like a strong poke!) from God.

Love God. Love people. Lead others to do the same.

Join us Friday night as we observe Good Friday together (6:30pm), and Sunday morning as we celebrate Jesus' resurrection and amazing gift of eternal life!

Juli Dirks