Uncovering Treasures

A couple of months ago I was digging through a box of my old childhood treasures and came across a journal that I had written in. I was maybe 12 years old and you can imagine what types of things were recorded.

There were some friendship woes and general happenings that only a pre-teen would find worthy of writing down in a journal. One sentence caught my eye, “I want to be an archaeologist when I grow up so that I can prove the Bible is true.” That sweet girl really knew nothing about the Bible at that time.  

As I have shared before, I did not grow up in a Bible-believing home. What little I did know came from a conversation that I had with my Grandaddy one evening. He shared about Jesus and what heaven looks like, and that He is coming back again. Grandaddy never talked with me about Jesus again; he passed away not long after. Those words are etched in my memory to this day. 

I often heard the dialogue from those around me that disputed the Bible’s authenticity. Imagine the confusion that comes from hearing such conflicting messages! I wanted so badly for what my Grandaddy told me to be real because it sounded so wonderful.

During Habits of Grace, we have been focusing on connecting with God through His Word. The sermons have challenged me to really dig deep and connect with God in a more intimate way. I have been a part of many Bible studies over the years, but I haven’t read the Bible all the way through. 

My goal for this year is to complete a chronological reading plan and it is exciting to know that there are many people in our church family doing the same! 

I am so thankful that I don’t have to be an archaeologist to prove the Bible is true—although visiting Israel would be really awesome!

What that little girl didn’t know was that reading God’s Word is like being an archaeologist, there are so many treasures to uncover and the relationship with the Lord that comes from it is priceless.   

See you this Sunday!

Casey Teater