Connecting with God through His Word

“I will give you $100.”

The room froze. Samuel and Russell stared at me, eyebrows raised and shocked at the offer.

Courtney quickly turned her neck and gazed at me with a smirk.

Today was the day. I had thought about it for a while, going back and forth in my mind, unsure of whether this was the best solution (or honestly, even a good idea).

Courtney and I have been reading through our Bibles for years, and we’ve encouraged our kids to do the same. But it hasn’t been an easy habit to start.

They go to Awana on Wednesday night, memorizing Scripture and thinking through Bible stories. They enjoy Sunday School and learn from the experience and knowledge of their teachers.

But nothing is a substitute for personal Bible reading. Each of us, no matter how young or old, need to hear from God. We need to connect with Him through His Word.

We all need His voice in our lives on a regular basis. So I threw down the parental ace of spades.

I offered $100 to my oldest boys if they read through the Bible each day this year.

So far, the monetary reward has sparked a new motivation. They have been far more diligent to read than ever before. They haven’t missed a day so far!

But I know this is only a temporary strategy to get them started. Most of their rewards in life will be personal accomplishment, contentment, and growth.

This year, our Habit of Grace is Connecting with God through His Word. Our original plan was to begin this upcoming Sunday, January 10th, but Courtney and I both tested positive for COVID-19 this week and will be spending some time quarantining at home. So far, we are both doing okay, and the kids have had a couple of runny noses. We appreciate your prayers and look forward to reuniting with you all soon.

I love you, Grace.
Pastor Jack