Now and Later

Now and Laters.


Does anyone remember these chewy, jaw-breaking taffy squares? It's been awhile since I've eaten one (I think the watermelon flavor was my favorite), but they came to mind as I was reading through I and II Thessalonians this week.

I know. Weird, right?

In these two letters Paul is writing to a church that is facing much persecution for their faith. He reaches out to them to encourage them to endure and stay faithful, and to address their concerns and confusion about Christ's return.

It felt timely to me that my read-through-the-Bible schedule landed me in these books right as Advent season is starting and our current sermon series will focus on patience this Sunday.

But then, when is God's Word not timely?

What I've been struck with is the balance a follower of Christ must aim for—the balance of Now and Later.

The Christian life is so much about balancing the Now (relationships, work, service, growing in Christ, struggles) with the Later (Christ's return, our heavenly destination). It's like trying to keep one foot firmly on the ground in two different worlds.

Paul calls us to be committed to our life here, making the most of our time waiting for Christ's return to work hard, love others, and intentionally grow in Christlikeness. At the same time, we keep our hearts anchored in the hope of Heaven. Be present in the Now and in the Later.

This is easier said than done.

I can find myself swinging too far one way or the other—getting caught up in the worries and tasks of Now, or longing so hard for Later that I withdraw because Now seems too long and too hard.

I loved the reminder to keep my heart balanced between the two. As I pondered how that looks for me, here are some things that came to mind:

  • Live with anticipation, not anxiety.

  • Live with confidence, not confusion.

  • Live with faithfulness, not idleness.

  • Live with hope, not despair.

I hope that this 2020 Advent season will remind you to patiently endure and actively serve the Lord right Now, while relishing in the hope of our Later with Christ.

Steady on, my friends!
Juli Dirks