Power in the face of opposition

Do you ever find yourself in unfamiliar territory or faced with daunting tasks or situations? Is your desire to continue on with the work God has given you at home, at work or in the church waning in the face of formidable challenge or spiritual opposition? I'd imagine that most of us would answer yes at some point in our lives. It seems God is in the business of stretching and growing our faith often through difficult or impossible circumstances. And our enemy is busy trying to distract, discourage and derail us at every turn.

Two verses have been especially encouraging to me lately when I've doubted my ability to handle where God has put me in this particular place and time to do all these hard things - wife-ing, parenting, leading ministries, combating the enemy, etc. I don't always feel up to the challenge.

Ephesians 6:10 says "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might."

Philippians 2:13 says "For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."

The truth about my life is not "I can't" but "God can"! God is the strength in my effort and fight. He is working behind the scenes to help me even want to do the work he's given me, and he is enabling and empowering me to do it. Priscilla Shirer (in her Armor of God Bible study) paints the picture of her growing sons who love to wrestle her, pinning her to the couch and rendering her helpless. She gives up her struggle until their bigger, brawny father steps in the room. He swoops in for the rescue, effortlessly dispersing her captors, and scoops her up into his strong arms granting her victory. She points out through this illustration: "I am not particularly strong, but I'm in relationship with someone who is . . . I'm connected to more spiritual brawn than is coming against me."

Let me encourage you: if you're in relationship with the God of the Universe, then you are connected to "more spiritual brawn" than any challenge or foe you might be facing. Be strong in HIS strength. Arm yourself with HIS power, for he is working to help you want to and do his will.

One looming challenge for the GraceKids leadership team right now is completing our volunteer team for the coming school year. We are actively praying and searching for several volunteers to serve in various nursery, Sunday school and Awana positions. Would you prayerfully consider joining our team as we partner with parents to develop kids who love God, love people and lead others to do the same? We'd love to serve alongside you! We're ready to train, equip, support and encourage our team. Will you join us? If you're willing, please contact me for more information. Pray that God will supply ALL our volunteer needs before we begin Sunday school on August 12 and Awana on September 5th.

In His power,
Juli Dirks
GraceKids Director